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Flower Vase and Coral

   Extension Aftercare FAQ

What can I do with Lash Extensions?

 You can wear mascar and/or  eyeliner on bottom lashes line only.

Top liquid liner and powdered eyeshadow can be worn

You can go swimming and exercise with your extension.

What can I NOT do with Lash Extensions?


Do not pick or pull at lash extensions.

Do not manipulate the lash in any way

Do not put eye creams, oily products on eyelid (you can use under the eye).

Do Not use Baby wipes, makeup wipes or cotton pads as lint can get trapped in the lashes and irritate the eye.

Do not use mascara directly on lash extensions.

Do not go into saunas and avoid lighter flames and hot ovens/grills this can melt the lash extensions.

How do I clean my Lash Extensions?

This is the most important part of having lash extension. Please wash them daily.

To clean you need an approved lash shampoo and cleansing brush.

Do not clean lash extensions with oil free makeup remover, baby shampoo, micellar products, or just plain water. 

Girl with Tight Curls
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